Current status: Concluded for 2023

DDD Brisbane

DDD Brisbane is a non profit community event run by developers, for developers. We are currently selling tickets for the 2023 event.

2015 Agenda

Maroon Room Room 411 Red Room Room 401 Orange Room Room 406
8:15 Registration
8:45 Welcome and house-keeping
Marita Cheng
10:00 Break
10:15 Panel: What is quality code
Bruce Morrison with Nicholas Blumhardt, Damian Brady, Andrew Newman and Anna Gerber
Making ReSharper Sharper: How to make your own R# plugin
Emily Poole
Securing AngularJs & Asp 5 Web API - Auth Fundamentals
Chris Briggs
11:25 Concept to cash - actually shipping an app and trying to make money from it!
Rob Pearson
Parsing Text: the Programming Superpower You Need at Your Fingertips
Nicholas Blumhardt
Building APIs with MVC 6 and OAuth
Filip Ekberg
12:25 Lunch
13:20 Building Maintainable Software
Lionell Pack
Designing an API
Indu Alagasarmy and John Simons
Windows Server Containers: What do I need to know as a ASP.NET Developer?
Jeremy Cade
14:30 Back to basics: simple, elegant, beautiful code
Andrew Harcourt
Become A One Person DevOps Team With Visual Studio Online
Andrew Birch
Build your own Marketplace: Online Payments
Ben Cull
15:30 Break
15:45 Sweet, you're agile! Now what?
Chris Gilbert
Introduction to Akka.Net
Jaime J. Febres Velez
JavaScript - the language of Chuck Norris
Joshua Wulf and Chuck Norris
17:00 LOCKNOTE - What is a compiler? We thought we knew...
Mads Torgersen
18:00 Closing
Thanks, Prizes, Migration to the pub